Thursday, May 12, 2016

I am proud I am poem because it is my personal best and it took a while to think about the I am. 
I am…
Success Criteria
Use a thesaurus to choose the best vocabulary
Choose the best nouns for the poem
Choose the best adjectives to describe some nouns
Leave the reader thinking about your poem by sharing what it inside you

I am different
I wonder if I will ever be a policewoman
I hear lots of people talking  and chattering
I see all my friends all the time
I want to go a lot faster on the softball field
I am different
I pretend I am a mistletoe, apple and a rose
I feel glad that I’ve got my puppy Milly
I touch Milly’s soft pink blanket
I worry about my granddad every day and me at school  
I cry when people die
I am different
I understand what my teachers say when they talk
I say good morning to mum every morning when I wake up
I dream of teddy bears and my family
I try to be the best I can be at everything
I hope I get better at tenpin bowling
I am different